The Formula For A Good Marketing Copy


This week I spent some time looking at different marketing copies for successful products, services, and companies. I was in search of a common formula for making a successful market copy that I could use in my own writing. Through looking at some of the biggest companies out there such as Amazon, Apple, Samsung, Google, and other successful companies. There seems to be a simple procedure they follow to properly pitch themselves to their customers.

Grab Their attention.

On each companies’ home website, the first thing you’ll find is a great attention grabber. On the first thing you’ll see is their current best deals. On Samsungs explore page (currently promoting their photography equipment) You find a huge bold quote, “Inspiration in focus” with a tagline saying “fuel your best photography). In both of these examples we see something that draws us in as a consumer and sparks interest in the product.

Present A Problem, Offer a solution.

Amazon presents problems such as having trouble finding a product or slow delivery through other services, and offers their solution to the problem with “Lightning fast 2 day shipping” and having “More than 358 million different products available to you through Amazon”. They tie it all off by offering their services “At the click of a button.” Showing that they are capable of solving a common problem builds value for their service and makes it seem worth your time.

Short and simple.

With the modern state of society, it's easy to admit that we don't have much of an attention span. If something comes off as boring we lose interest very quickly. Each one of these successful companies use very short and simple explanations or phrases to present their products. This is for the purpose of keeping their customer’s focus on the product or service itself, rather than boring them with long and overdrawn paragraphs.

Develop trust.

When Apple or Samsung make a claim that their product does something well, they use real customer feedback to prove it. This allows the viewer to find relatability with existing customers who come off as more trustworthy than a corporation.

Share your backstory

Amazon loves to talk about how they were founded in a garage by a single man looking to “make his mark on the world.” Sharing a story of humble beginnings can spark interest or even back up claims because of how far the company has come. 

These different elements are present in the marketing copywriting of some of the most successful companies in the world. They have proven success behind them, and can be easily implemented into any marketing work you do.

-Braden Schmidt 11-29-2019